Here are answers to frequently asked questions. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please .

Order placement, advice and assistance from the techpool-team are free of charge.

Our charge for manufacturing is based on the quotation you receive, plus the necessary raw materials. All invoices are issued directly through techpool. We debit the amount to the cost centre/PSP specified by you in the order form.

This depends on various factors, such as the number and complexity of the item ordered. In addition, there must be capacity in the workshops. If we have no capacity in-house to meet your desired delivery date, we’ll ask external workshops to manufacture your order, or inform you of the next possible delivery date.

The techpool-team will respond to your request as quickly as possible.

No, techpool takes care of the raw material needed for your order. We prefer to order this ourselves because we know what we have in stock.

If you already have raw material, please mention this in the form at “Comments”. If you need raw material for other purposes, you can order it in the ETH shops.

Spin-offs that are listed on the Contract list under Shops/Purchasing, in accordance with the Spin-off guidelines, may use the services of the techpool service or ETH workshops. techpool is the single point of entry for all workshop enquiries. The costs are charged by customer invoice after the service has been provided, and not allocated to an internal cost centre or WBS element.



You’ll find this described in the .

Yes, the hourly rates listed on the techpool apply only to manufacturing orders carried out in ETH in-house workshops.

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